How strong is your brand?
Is a brand more than just a logo?
Or are they basically the same?
What’s the process to develop a strong corporate brand?
There are so many questions, let’s talk first about what a brand REALLY is (hint: it’s NOT just a logo)
Gather together the leaders of your organization (not just the marketing people) and hold an open discussion about what your company stands for. Your mission, your customers, your products and services, your promise, etc. It helps to have someone leading the discussion here, whether it’s someone from your company or one of our friendly brand coordinators, to help drum it all down to your key brand messaging.
Now, take these key messages to the rest of your company’s employees. Distribute a survey or questionnaire that assesses how the staff really perceives the company and what they think the brand should communicate. This ensures that your organizational leaders are on the same page as everyone else.
Try Our Process
Frugalmiser conducts research into the habits and preferences of its clients before it launches an advertising campaign. This nails down an understanding of who its clients are, as well as what appeals to them.