Are printed materials dead? Not even close! While print is changing, the medium of print is becoming more creative, useful, and cost effective. Take this opportunity to look at your own printing efforts. Could you be doing more or…better? Frugalmiser’s team of creative minds can help you assess your current printing needs, increase your design value, and cut down your production costs. Get the process started, and drop us a line today!
We’ve helped our clients print better through tasteful use of color, distinct papers, and interesting printing techniques that pop. To our clients in the creative world of advertising and promotions we represent quality print design. We’ve found that what clients really want is stability, consistency, and competitive pricing that does not jeopardize the high quality their brands depend on. As a matter of fact, some of our clients include our print specialists in the initial planning stages of a project to lower costs, help them plan better, and provide logistical insight. We do this by participating in the creative process, so we can recommend the right paper types, digital or offset printing, dye designs, spot colors, finishing, and structural designs. In the end, our clients can rely on a smooth production process with expectations that are right on target. We’ve become a valuable knowledge center for reaching people offline. Since most tactics are online for these clients, we’ve found cool ways to integrate print with online marketing tactics, adding a whole lot of value to their campaigns.
Consumers lives are increasingly online. Social media describes what they do, Google will help them to find whatever they need, YouTube to watch the newest videos and sites such as Amazon to buy the products on their wish list. Paper is now an ideal way to get readers online too, for example, the advertisers’ website or Facebook page. With QR codes, Augmented Reality, Near Field Communication or Digital Imprints, readers can have immediate access to the most appropriate online page. These technologies form a bridge between print media and a brand’s online presence, inviting consumer reaction, feedback and purchase, all via a smartphone, tablet or PC. Such technologies increase the effectiveness of print media, as well as enhancing the consumer experience.
Print media exists in many forms: from mass media (hundreds to millions of copies) to one-to-one (the personalised version). In between, there are formats such as the personalised newspaper or magazine – titles that have content tailored to the specific reader. Modern digital presses offer marketers and media and advertising professionals the ability to print entire publications based on the profile and needs of their consumers or even to integrate digital content in a mass produced magazine or newspaper. This personalisation adds to the effectiveness of the print medium as consumers prefer a tailor-made approach to the generic. Such flexibility and adaptability allows the marketer and brand owner to choose exactly the right print media for their brand.
An effective marketing campaign works best when print is used with other media as one element of an integrated solution. Research has shown that adding print to the advertising media mix will increase the ROI of the overall campaign. Print media will not only add to the ROI, it will also enhance the ROI of TV or online in the mix. For example, TV’s ROI increased by 61% when used in combination with print advertising.
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