Do you have a Birthday Special that you would like to offer to CNY residents? The you need to know about Owl Birthdays! Nick Sessions was working for a cell phone company when customers would ask him for birthday specials, like half off their cell phone bills. This gave Nick an idea. All these businesses offering birthday specials had a great response from it, but it cost too much for small local businesses to promote it. The only companies at that time offering birthday specials were the large franchises and corporations. Small businesses didn’t have any way to offer birthday specials that would not cost them a fortune, UNTIL NOW! This is when Nick came up with Owl Birthdays, a FREE Birthday Coupon website for the small businesses to offer birthday specials to current and potential customers as a way to drive traffic and increase business. If you have a Birthday Special that you would like to offer, then give Nick a call at 315-886-4188.